
The participants of CON.VET have been involved in the development and support of vocational training in Sub-Saharan Africa and internationally for years. 

Some of the projects are listed below:

Study on the state of vocational education and training research in Sub-Saharan Africa (2018-2019) 

Study on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on the systematic review of the state of research on vocational education and training in Sub-Saharan Africa. After a broad and systematic search, out of more than 2,000 scientific publications, around 300 were classified as relevant to the topic and examined in more detail. As part of the preparation of the study, a structured community review and a registered research community have already laid the foundation for a network on vocational training research in sub-Saharan Africa. In the bibliography, the references are therefore also stored with a link, so that digital access to over 500 documents on the free literature management program ZOTERO can be obtained with a simple click when reading the document online. Zum Literaturverwaltungsprogramm ZOTERO

“Establishmet of a masters course Master en Techniques et Formations Professionnelles (MTFP) an der Universität Koudougou” (2017 – 2020)

The project of the TU Dresden served the conception and introduction of a master’s course in the field of vocational and business education (Master en Techniques et Formations Professionnelles; MTFP) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of the University Norbert Zongo (UNZ) (former University of Koudougou (UK; until 2018)) in Burkina Faso from the winter semester 2017/18 taking into account international standards, educational and didactic research as well as intercultural and society-specific know-how. The project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

International Entrepreneurship Network for PhD and PhD supervision training (IENT) (2019-2022)

In the project of the University of Siegen, a training course for young scientists (doctoral candidates) and one for supervisors of doctoral candidates is being developed. Doctoral candidates acquire skills and competencies in order to be able to take up a position as successfully as possible in but above all outside the academic world after completing their doctorate. The advanced training for the supervisors of doctoral candidates aims to raise awareness of how to encourage and prepare doctoral students to embark on a path as leaders into the non-academic world. Both advanced training courses are developed and tested together with international partners from Denmark, Estonia, Sweden and Finland. It is planned to include other international partners in the project: https://www.tbrp.aau.dk/ietn/

 Internationale Bildungstagung JEFOSP (seit 2013)

Implementation of the annual educational conference “Journées internationales d’Echanges sur l’Education, la Formation, l’Orientation / Insertion Scolaire et Professionnelle (JEFOSP)” since 2013. The international and multidisciplinary exchange in Burkina Faso includes the topics: curriculum dvelopment, vocational training, professional development, higher education, school education and career guidance. The aim is to further develop the quality of the educational offers and advice. The project was / is co-initiated and supported by the Association des Burkinabè et Amis en Saxe et en Allemagne (ABASA e.V.) and other partners from Burkina Faso and Germany.

Fortbildungs- und Forschungsnetz für VET-Berufspädagogen in Subsahara-Africa (VET-Net) (2012 – 2015)

With the support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), a “Training and Research Network for VET Vocational Educators in Sub-Saharan Africa” (VET-Net) is being established in Mozambique, Ethiopia and South Africa.The project is about the attempt to establish cross-border teaching in the advanced training of VET professional educators and related research. The aim is to promote vocational training that goes beyond traditional, adaptation-oriented vocational training. Shaping competence is a key that initiates development processes and gives vocational teaching and learning an orientation. In this context, conditions for the creation of networked advanced training or teaching and research are developed. The process of creating the network in Sub-Saharan Africa is reflected on.


Curriculumentwicklung im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien (Photovoltaik) im Senegal (2012 – 2014)

In the project, with the support of the TU Dresden, multipliers were trained for the apprenticeship “solar technician” and a curriculum was developed which enables the graduates to become self-employed. The project was funded by GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation) and PERACOD (“Program for the Promotion of Renewable Energies, Rural Electrification and the Sustainable Supply of Household Fuels”).